Snake Skin

a shadow work course for filipinos



Disclaimer: Shadow Work isn’t for the faint of heart.

Using a combination of psychoeducational classes, collective journeys and a personal introspective practice, this program will guide you through the transformative spiritual and psychological process known as Shadow Work. Much of the work includes revisiting childhood memories, reflecting on our relationships with early caregivers and how the two impact our adult lives. For Filipino Americans, this is our attempt at healing intergenerational trauma and breaking harmful patterns of interacting with others.

Shadow Work is an opportunity to truly face the truth about ourselves, our parents and our ancestors wounds. It is a process of greeting those internal parts of identity that evoke feelings of shame, guilt, anger and resentment and saying, “I see you. I honor you. I bring you with me.”

This is not something that can be done with a deck of cards or a smudge stick. Shadow Work is internal, subconscious reprogramming: a decolonial process of awareness, reflection and action. When we are able to face our Shadows, we can draw immeasurable power from our pain. . . the kind of power that can make our work more meaningful and put our relationships at ease.

For those Filipino Americans who understand the destructive legacy of White Supremacy, Patriarchy and Capitalism on our communities, Shadow Work just might be the intergenerational healing that offers your ancestors and your legacy some much needed emotional and spiritual rest.

Want to know more about the program? Keep scrolling.

“Shadow work is the way to illumination. When we become aware of all that is buried within us, that which is lurking beneath the surface no longer has power over us.”

Aletheia Luna

This course is intended for Filipino Women who:

  • are between the ages of 28 - 40 years old

  • emotionally mature enough to hold space & practice respect for different points of view

  • have a meditation practice or other self reflective practice

  • identify as first or second generation Filipino American currently living in Mainland U.S, Hawai’i, Guam & Puerto Rico

  • are ready to invest time, space and money into breaking intergenerational cycles


What You’ll Get

“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self.”

-Carl Gustav Jung

Hello, my name is Lauren but I like it when you call me “Manang.” It means older sis/cousin in Ilokano. I call myself a Shadow Worker because I’ve been through some heavy shit.

In the last few years of this life, and in lifetimes before, I’ve experienced relationship betrayal, the sudden death of loved ones, cultural uprooting, substance abuse, unexpected medical illness and sexual assault. Sometimes I wonder how I am still alive.

I’ve been to that dark place where I thought the world would be better off without me. I’ve been prescribed medications, been called “crazy” and have felt so misunderstood throughout my life. Between the years of 2010 till now I have been searching for the lost pieces of my soul through travel, studying to be a therapist, writing poetry & journaling, shamanic journeying, community organizing, cutting people off, meeting new people, working out, eating right, dancing, taking plant medicine, sitting in women’s circles . . . I tried everything I could to find peace within the chaos of my broken heart, broken body and broken mind.

It wasn’t until I learned how to meditate and spent a good amount of time looking in the mirror (literally) and really sitting with my Shadows did the peace come. And it didn’t come because the pain went away. Instead, learning how to greet my Shadows and integrate them gave the pain a purpose. I could finally move forward with my chin up.

The peace comes and goes. At this point, I am grateful that it comes at all.

Do you know why snakes shed their skin? One reason is so that they can release any parasites that might have grown on their old skin. The other reason is simply because they’ve outgrown themselves and NOT shedding makes them uncomfortable. The only way for snakes to feel more at ease in their bodies is to shed their skin periodically and to allow a new Snake to surface.

I want that for you, too. Let’s rid ourselves of parasites, get more comfortable and shed some Snake Skin together.

Want to know what it’s like to work with me? Click the button below to read client testimonials.

Have questions? Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!